Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year's Roundup

Whew - it is cold this morning! Woke up and it was in the single digits. Not going to be running outside today.

I gifted Bridget and Jen matching (but in different color schemes) felted bags for Christmas. Did I take pictures before giving them? Nope. Did I take pictures last night when they were both here for dinner? Nope. Maybe I can get them to take pictures and send them to me. I was pretty happy with how they turned out with two exceptions. The length of the strap and the top closing edge. I never felted anything before so I wasn't sure what the shrinkage would be so I followed the directions to the T. The straps ended up way too long. Also, the opening kind of gaps. I bought some snaps but the felted material was too thick for them to go through. So, Bridget and I ran out to JoAnn's the other night and I bought some sew on snaps for their purses. Last night, they are both here so I go to look for the snaps to do a quick sew on. No snaps in the shopping bag. I check my purse. No snaps. Accusations start to fly. I think Bridget probably took them home - she denies it. Something about Cosmo's bro was thrown up in my face..... I happen to find the receipt and lo and snaps are even listed on it. I know we picked them out. I know I walked around that store with them in my hand. What happened?

In this same theme, I made Bridget a highwaisted, sleeveless vest. No pictures. Sheesh.

The daughter, fresh off of her triumphant, Thanksgiving project, scarf, now wants to do a pair of mittens. I picked out a pattern for her and she is freaking because it is worked in the round. If she is going to make them, she is going to master this. I will not have her be a knitting coward like I was. It took me 20 years to get up the nerve to do cables. Cables!! We are off today to buy the dpns. Yes, after over 20 years of knitting, I now have to rebuy all my needles. It's a long story, but suffice it to say, my husband won't allow me to undertake the necessary actions to regain my whole stash of needles.

To complete my 'I am an idiot' post (wonderful way to start off the New Year, huh?), I am publicly proffering an apology to Jen. My thought and reaction filter malfunctioned a few weeks ago when she told me she got me a piece of jewelry for Christmas. If I recall correctly, I looked at her like she just pulled out a crack pipe and fired it up. I think my actual comment went along the lines of, 'What the hell are you thinking, you know I don't wear jewelry.' Yeah. Don't you wish all your friends reacted like that when you tell them about their Christmas present? Of course, she exhibited much more graciousness than I. And now I am eating my words. Good thing I am used to doing that and they are calorie free. I love the necklace. Love it, love it, love it. Wore it last night. It was noticed immediately by almost everyone and generated lots of compliments. I think I might just be a jewelry wearer now. Thanks Jen (lots of hugs and kisses to your generous little self from my asshole-y but now beautifully accessorized little self!)


Bridget said...

I LOVE my purse and will try and get a picture to send to you.

How the hell did we walk out without those freakin' snaps!!!!!!

All my tomorrows said...

Don't we get to see a picture of your new necklace :-(?

Anonymous said...

i love felting. it hides my boo boos. i am crap at finishing projects though. i'm impressed you did so many. i covet your ability to focus.
i won yarn magazine's first contest. i loved that mag; australia usually has just uk or us knit mags. then they shut it down (too much work). now i think she found someone to take it.
how do i know this? i'm on ravelry, too. could i be a bigger dork?

"jewelry" is a funny word. i first think of fancy stuff. queen's bling. one can forget that there is a wealth of funky out there. TG for Etsy! i'm sure many things said around xmas time are from stress. i'm sure all is forgiven. don't start your year in a cringe.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you liked the necklace. But don't worry, you won't be getting any more jewelry from my end LOL! I'll stick to more Trace-related gifts. :o)
