Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Post run pup

This is Cosmo taking a well deserved rest after an almost 2.5 mile outing. Don't let the relaxed demeanor fool you, though. He would be up in a flash if he heard a leash jingle. Greyhounds are known to be low maintenance, low exercise dogs. Cosmo is the exception that proves the rule, I guess. It seems the more we run, the more he is up in my business wanting to go.

We keep increasing our distance and time out. Monday, we ran 30 minutes with a group. It was a great run and I felt wonderful. Today, we ran by ourselves and it wasn't easy. We did 2.4 miles in 28 minutes. Not a record pace there, folks. I felt slow and heavy. As usual though, we had a few stops - 2 pee and 1 poop (4 minutes into the run) break to be exact. And in shades of trailhoundz (see #6 of good Dewey things), we had a Cosmo poop malfunction. Must be something about his poop that doesn't want to be contained! 1 mile to go and I start smelling it. It got on my hand, my shirt (??), the leash. It was all pervasive.

The race that the group is planning to run is in a week and a half. We are upping our time to 35 minutes this Saturday. After the race, we will go to a regular distance based schedule. I am thinking Saturdays for long slow runs - 4 miles working up to an occasional 6 miler. Mondays will be a 2 miler and then there will be one or two midweek 3-4 milers. Hopefully this schedule will get everyone through the winter in decent shape and ready to race in the spring.


Anonymous said...

I wish my grey was more active at times! It's interesting to read about your running adventures.

How old is Cosmo?

runswithdog said...

Cosmo will be 7 December 3rd :-)
He definitely loves to run. Even though he shows no signs of any problems, I have already started him on Glucosamine and Chondroiten as a preventative. We run on pavement so I know that really contributes some wear and tear on him.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Go trac, go! Keep up the great job running! I'm so impressed.

Cosmo is a stunning grey! Beautiful photo!