Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My Winter Run By Cosmo

Tale of a Winter Run
by Cosmo
We are in some kind of funky weather pattern. All snow, wind and cold. School was cancelled yesterday.

But a 5 mile run was on the schedule and there was no way I was going to let that mo-fo of mine leave me home again. She ran on the treadmill Monday and left me. I stayed attached to her like glue, all day long. No way was she getting out of the house without me.
5 miles in the village and on the parkway along the lake. We did a 9 run, 1 walk because the ladies were so completely miserable. Only happy camper around was me! No bro for me today, they thought it might be a little too cold along the lake. So W dragged out an old single fleece coat that she had in her car. It was pink. Good thing I look smashing in every color.
Real men wear pink.
We b jammin'.
Action Shot! I go slow over the ice because the humans are so darned putzy!
25 degrees. Snowy. Windy. 5 miles. To all those who think greyhounds are delicate, fragile, couch potatoes......I say...Yo Mama!
Post Run. These chicks will stand around and talk for hours! They should put me in the car.
Ah yes. The couch is a fitting location for a post run nap.


Iowa Greyhound said...

Cos' looks great in the snow! They do seem to do better on ice than humans.

bazu said...

that pink coat is just too much! too much cuteness!
I commend you all for running in the snow. I walked in the snow for 5 minutes and was ready for my nap... brrr.

Anonymous said...

Cos does look ravishing in pink! :o)

I'm also glad he is smart enough that "he dusent haf to rite wif bad grammahr, like dis, like mosst peepel mayke theyr dogs rite."



runswithdog said...

No. Cosmo doesn't write stupid dog squibble. He writes in greyhound ghetto.

the little one said...

Love this! Y'all (including the incredible greyhound) are bad ass!

All my tomorrows said...

One of the most beautiful greyhounds out there in the world.

Bridget said...

He looks very pleased with himself. Maybe it is the pink coat.

Anonymous said...

damn straight he looks good in pink.

i wish we needed a coat. sigh. he looks so good.