Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The week's lunches in review

My favorite lunches from this week:

Amazing rice maker rice, topped with seaweed gomasio, applesauce, chocolate mini cupcakes with baby carrots and cuke slices and a mixture of craisins, nuts, chocolate bunny grahams and lorna doones as a snack mixture.

Thursday's lunch. Brown rice with some of Bridget's delicious moussaka, applesauce, the cupcakes and veggies (I didn't eat them from the previous day!) and some lorna doones and chocolate graham bunnies.

Friday's lunch. My yet again attempt ,at portion control in a traditional bento. We shall see if I resist the temptation to throw together a snack container :-) Peanut butter and raspberry jam on whole wheat bread, mini carrots, some honey belle orange slices (oranges courtesy of my neighbor) and some cookies.

All packed in my Femmio Valentino bento. What/who is Femmio Valentino? Who knows but I like this bento :-)


Iowa Greyhound said...

Awesome, beautiful lunches!

meesh said...

Those all look like wonderful lunches. I have a little bento box too that I just love. It helps keep my portions resonable and (my favorite part) my food doesn't touch. :p

That reminds me...I have applesouace in my 'fridge that I haven't eaten. Eeegads!

Anonymous said...

That bunny bento is adorable. :o)

I am still struggling SO SO much with portion control--! :o(
