Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Happy, happy, happy day!

I blogged a little while ago about seeing the film, An Inconvenient Truth. I got an email from Bridget today that the SU Student Association is bringing Al Gore and his show to town in September. She asked if I was interested in going. Excuse me????? Interested????? Hell to the 'yeah'! You know it, baby! I can't hardly wait. The movie had such an impact on me - really challenged my way of thinking. If you get a chance to see the movie or even see him speak in person - go! Here is the movie trailer to whet your appetites :-)


runswithdog said...

If you feel like that after watching a 2 minute movie trailer, wait until you see the whole program! What affected me the most were the numerous before and after photos of various geographic places. In the trailer they show Kilimanjaro but there are many more.

Candi said...

Thanks for the trailer! I've been curious about all the hype I've heard from this movie, and I knew it was going to be a good one! I'd love to see it.

I hope it talks about resolutions, and not just all scare though! :P

runswithdog said...

I thought it was a fairly well-balanced presentation. He doesn't have to resort to any scare tactics - just presenting the facts and looking at the befroe and after pictures is scary enough. What I found interesting was his discussion on why change doesn't take place and the human ability to ignore the facts staring you right in the face. He illustrates this with examples from his own life.

runswithdog said...

Additional comment - the trailer makes it all look so dramatic with the music, sound effects and editing but really, it is mostly just a film of Al Gore delivering his speech and slide show. How dramatic can that be? LOL I think it speaks to the material that it is as riveting as it is :-)