Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday minutiae

Today's run:
7 miles/speed intervals.
One mile warmup
3 x 1600 @10:22 w/800 recoveries
Cool down

It was the freakingest, been-to-hell-and-now-I-can-say-I-am-back-and-survived run. I have never had a run that hard (and remember - all my runs are hard for me LOL) and I hope never to have a run like that again. I am not going to belabor it because it will cause me to relive the run in all its suicidal hysteria, except to say that it was 18 degrees and 20 mph winds and we did it.

Onto nicer and brighter news....... Dinner party last night :-) Didn't take many pictures - I had 3 glasses of wine and I am a cheap drunk. And you can bet those 3 glasses will show up on the scale tomorrow night at weigh in. Some random thoughts from last night:

Bazu brought this coleslaw. Yeah, I know, coleslaw, right. Pretty standard fare. USUALLY! This wasn't your usual coleslaw though- it was to die for. Pure and simple.
If I had thought about it during the run today, I probably would have dropped dead right there between the pain of the run and the thoughts of the coleslaw glory. Oh, and she wore this cute little scarf tied around her head. That combined with her cute little haircut, well, it was almost cute overload. If I didn't like her and she wasn't so nice......I don't know what but something. You know if I tried to wear something like that, I would probably be mistaken for a drag queen version of Cher from her Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves era. (this is the real Cher - who would know I couldn't find a drag queen singing GT&Ts on youtube?)

SD and Sue both looked stunning - I am used to seeing them in workout clothes, with sweat dripping. It was awesome to see them both in 'regular' clothes. And I think I am going to have to beg for a makeover by SD. Man, if I could get my makeup to look like hers instead of making me look like Bozo the Clown, I might actually wear some.

SD brought her greyhound boy, Pre. For his first time in a strange house he did great. He did get warnings from both the snarky present females, PTT and Lucy. He took those warnings in typical greyhound male fashion, they bounced right off of him and he moved onto the next interesting thing he saw. LOL He was a wonderfully happy boy.
PTT's lack of social skills had her relegated to the bedroom about half way through the evening. She was just way too uncomfortable with so many dogs and I was too distracted to help her cope. She gave a few warnings and then was put away where she could relax. The Black Widow, Lucy, had to keep her muzzle on all evening, but really did good considering all the dogs. Of course, it probably helped that she decided to slut it up towards the end of the evening and was promptly rewarded with overwhelming attention....
And last but not least, a visit by Bridget is never complete without adding another chapter to the Ode to Cosmo and Bridget saga.....


Bridget said...

Good LORD could I look any more deranged in those pictures. LOL! Hey, Momo loves me. He knows his sugar mama.

bazu said...

Thank you for having us over and feeding us wonderful food! I'm glad you liked the cole slaw - I'm going to give you a jar of that 'secret ingredient' 21 seasoning mix next time we meet up.

You crack me up- I wore the scarf because my "cute little haircut" had puffed up into an uncontrollable hive!

Anonymous said...

It was a great dinner, thank you for inviting us. :o)


Anonymous said...

it's valentine's day over here, you know. i tried to avoid it, but wouldn't you know that today i read this post and had to see a white dog being seduced by a woman in dusty pink.

i had to avert my eyes. i'm nothing if not respectful to a couple in lerve.