Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

You know it is that time......

Elections coming up! When the republicans start trotting out their old, tried and true social issues to rally their base. This week we have Dubya coming out to support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. What do you think our forefathers would say - our constitution amended in this way? Our amendments (except for that nasty little one taking our booze temporarily away from us-shame on them) have safeguarded our political rights, given political rights to the historically oppressed and now we are going to put in it that 2 men can't marry? Why? Because we need to 'safeguard the sanctity of marriage'? Please. Marriage is a joke in our society. If they really want to safeguard the sanctity, make it harder to divorce. But you won't see that happen.

I'm sure next week will be partial birth abortion. And what has been done on these issues over the past two years? Nothing! Know why? Because the republicans don't care about them. Seriously. These issues have value to the politicians only in their ability to emotionally sway people. My very own mother voted for Shrub the second time around because of the partial birth abortion issue. She weighed the ongoing costs of the Iraq war vs. what the religious right freaks and politicians told her and voted for Bush. You know what? She regrets it now.

The only thing more despicable than these lying bastards in the White House, running this war, controlling Congress is the democrats. Winning against these guys should be a slam dunk and the dems can't even manage that. WTF? I really despair sometimes.

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