Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

house update

We drove by yesterday and yet again, no one on the site, no work being done. A went right into the sales office and had a talk with them. I didn't want to be witness to anything unpleasant (my husband confronts no one and complains about nothing!!! so the fact he was ticked was a little scary) so I stayed in the car. He spoke the site manager. Turns out the old site manager just upped and quit on them - to take over managing some Home Depots, I guess - and the new guy is still trying to get everything up and running. He said roofing material was to be delivered that day and then roofing would start the next day (today). We went by last night, and sure enough, there it all was - shingles and other roofing material! Hopefully, the roofing will start today. That will be exciting to see!

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