Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?' - Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Training recap

This week:
Monday - ran 30 minutes
Tuesday - cycled (taught class)
Wednesday - ran 45 minutes
Thursday - cycled (taught and took additional class)
Friday - swam (1200 yards)
Saturday - ran 60 minutes (treadmill, 5.25 miles, 11:26 m/m)
Will teach cycle class in afternoon
Sunday - cycle class and 20 minute run (planned)

Overall, not too bad. Got the runs in :-) I do need to get a weight session or two in there, another cycle and another swim and I will be in primo shape! This week was a toughie timewise with house meetings and a job interview (!!) so I am pretty happy with what I was able to do.

In other news, we made exterior house choices. We decided to go with the color scheme of the model house. We like bold colors and we didn't have much to choose from. Our house will look like:

Pretty cool?

Current house will go on the market Monday morning at 12:01 am with a contingency that we will retain occupancy until the new house is ready. That might deter some buyers but the theory is if we get no offers because of it, we will just relist the house in a couple of months without the contingency and hope for a seller. The timing should be better for the new house move then.

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